Our company follows the quality management system ISO 9001: 2015- (certified and issued by the certification UDT) and is qualified for the manufacturing of materials for pressure equipment (in accordance with Directive 2014/68/UE). Our quality management system is aimed at continuous improvement of the quality of manufacturing and sales of our products and services by adjusting to the technical and economic requirements of our customers. An effective system of quality is, for us, the basis for continuous improvement of the satisfaction chain which runs from suppliers for RZM to the company's employees, and leading up to the final recipient. During the manufacturing process and when preparing for shipment, we conduct continuous and systematic control of the product in compliance with the order and customer requirements. Organization of our quality control system ensures that the customer gets only the product that has successfully completed the auditing process.
About us
tel. / fax: +48 / 54 280-27-13
mobile: +48 / 691-988-691
ul. Cetki 20
87-500 Rypin
woj. kujawsko-pomorskie
Rypińskie Zakłady Metalowe Sp. z o.o., siedziba: Cetki 20, 87-500 Rypin, Poland, VAT id: PL8921392944, REGON: 911307733, KRS: 0000143945
Sąd Rejonowy w Toruniu, VII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS, Kapitał zakładowy: 50.000,00 PLN opłacony w calości
© Copyright 2015 | Rypińskie Zakłady Metalowe